TÜV Certification


We are happy to announce that JGD ATTACK products have successfully passed the TÜV Austria material test.

The procedure focused on testing the durability and structure of our products. The certificate that we obtained confirms that the products are suitable for the use of exterior car parts.

TÜV material test report is a recognized worldwide confirmation of the products’ safety and top quality. Exterior vehicle parts and accessories of ours are proven to meet all of the highest standards.

The document is now attached to all orders from German and Austria. The document is in German and English.

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Beware of fake TUV certificates

Beware of fake TUV certificates

Attention, German customers!   Beware of scammers selling counterfeit products with fake TUV certificates with the JGD ATTACK logo. The original TÜV certificate contains the original stamp, original signature (NOT A COPY!), and unique stickers identifying the product. Original...