1. Shipment
  2. Installation
  3. Prices
  4. Other
  5. TUV (Germany)


1. Shipment

  • What countries do you ship to?
    We ship to all member states of the European Union and EOK.

  • How long does the shipment take?
    Courier orders are shipped on the same or the next business day. They are usually delivered within 2-5 business days. Larger parcels (e.g. hoods and bumpers) are shipped within 2 business days and delivered by a transport company within 3-5 business days.

  • What's the shipping cost?
    The shipping cost appears after adding products to the cart and choosing the country of delivery. The cost depends on the size and weight of the ordered goods.

  • Do I have to check the parcel in the presence of a courier?

    We highly advise you to do so. It makes the potential return process easier and quicker. The courier is obliged to wait until the goods are checked. If the product is damaged or does not meet your expectations for any reason, please refuse to accept the package and it will come back to us.


2. Installation

  • Do you recommend self-assembly or should I go to a car repair shop?

    Parts like hoods, bumpers, fenders, etc. require a professional installation by a specialist. We do not recommend self-assembly unless you have the expertise, knowledge, and proper tools to do so. Tuning accessories like louvers, side scoops, spoilers, etc. can be installed by most of amateurs.

  • What should I do if I encounter an installation problem?
    Please send a description of the issue with attached pictures to office@jgdattack.eu.

  • How can I know if the product will fit my car?
    The compatibility information is always included in the description. If you have any doubts, contact us by sending an e-mail or a message on Messenger.

  • Do I have to paint the product?
    It depends. Some products are painted, some are not. There are also unpainted products that do not need painting and can be installed right away. The information is in the product's description.


3. Prices

  • Can I get a discount?

    All products are at fixed prices. We encourage you to follow our Facebook profile, where we inform about upcoming sales and share discount codes. If you want to place a bigger order, send a list of the products or a screenshot of your cart to office@jgdattack.eu and we'll see what can be done about the total price.


4. Other

  • Can I get an emblem ( Shelby, ZL1, etc.) with the bumper?
    No – these are registered marks.

  • The product I received is damaged. What now?
    In case of receiving damaged goods, please take pictures of: 1) the product, 2) the outer packaging, 3) the inner packaging. Then, send them with a brief description of the situation and the order number to office@jgdattack.eu. It's crucial that you do it on the day the parcel arrives.

  • Are all of the products in stock?
    Yes, all of the products that can be added to the cart are physically in our warehouses.

  • I still have other questions. How can I contact you?
    The best way to contact us is to send an e-mail to office@jgdattack.eu.

  • Can I see more pictures of the product installed on a car?
    Yes – check our Facebook page, where we share pictures from our clients.


5. TUV (Germany)

  • I bought a product from a different seller and he didn’t provide me with a TUV certificate. Can I buy one from you?

    No. The certificates cannot be sold or shared with unauthorized persons.

  • What kind of TUV certificate comes with the TUV-flagged products?

  • Is the Materialgutachten certificate enough to register the product?
    Yes. Our products are being registered in Germany every day. If you have any inquiries regarding TUV, send an e-mail to office@jgdattack.eu.