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The notion of a “muscle car”

The notion of a “muscle car”

The notion of a “muscle car” has been drilled into our heads to such an extent that we do question it in the slightest, whatsoever. Surely, everyone has heard of a muscle car at least once in their lifespan, however, rarely do people wonder why this particular American type of a car was given...
How to affordably overhaul your muscle car

How to affordably overhaul your muscle car

Undoubtedly, the appearance of a muscle car is one of its strongest points. It doesn’t matter how content you are with your exclusive vehicle, sooner rather than later, it will be subject to the passing, relentless time. Scratched up body parts, renovation-yearning rims, dingy upholstering -...
The Phenomenon of Muscle Cars in Europe

The Phenomenon of Muscle Cars in Europe

The golden age of muscle cars is long gone. Taking into account the sudden increase in the popularity of, fully or partially, electric cars, the probability of muscle cars taking back their rightful throne is close to zero.
Advantages and disadvantages of owning a muscle car

Advantages and disadvantages of owning a muscle car

Regardless of how much would you like to experience only the good things about your muscle car - the acceleration-induced adrenaline or head rushes - there is the elephant in the room that has to be brought up. 
Muscle car maintenance costs

Muscle car maintenance costs

The maintenance costs often scare away potential muscle car owners. To make things worse, the expensiveness is not the sole obstacle on the road to muscle car ownership. After All, why buy a car that would only give you massive headaches and make your wallet slimmer.
Mustang, Camaro, or Challenger

Mustang, Camaro, or Challenger

Contrary to popular opinion, having considerable funds at one’s disposal does not free from head-scratching problems. The available options appear one after another - making it impossible to make a choice. That’s to say, even if we cannot afford the newest models. Obviously, some of you does...
Is it worth assembling the parts yourself or is it better to entrust it to a professional

Is it worth assembling the parts yourself or is it better to entrust it to a professional

W życiu każdego kierowcy - prędzej czy później -  przychodzi smutny czas, w którym samochód ulegnie uszkodzeniu. Życie właściciela czterech kółek wygląda jak rosyjska ruletka - nie wiemy kiedy, lecz możemy być pewni, że usterka w końcu nastąpi. Używając terminów akademickich,...
What you need to know when importing a car from the USA to Europe

What you need to know when importing a car from the USA to Europe

Samochody ze Stanów Zjednoczonych kuszą miłośników motoryzacji na całym świecie, nie tylko z powodu ich ceny, bogatego wyposażenia, czy prestiżu i kultu jakim są obdarzane, ale także ze względu na fakt, że przemysł motoryzacyjny z tej części globu wypuścił na rynek niektóre z...
Body kit ZL1/1LE

Body kit ZL1/1LE

Are you looking for an aggressive ZL1/1LE look? American Authority has created a complete front bumper kit that allows you to easily transform the appearance of the LT/SS to ZL1/1LE.All our bumpers are made of polypropylene (like OEM), not fiberglass.
Body kit Demon

Body kit Demon

Thanks to the DEMON-style front bumper and the wide body kit, your Challenger will grow optically and gain an unusual, massive and powerful look.
Body kit Shelby GT350

Body kit Shelby GT350

Change the design of your Mustang S550 2015-2017 by buying the GT350 style bumper. The MP CONCEPTS set refers to the SHELBY style and gives the Mustang a more muscular appearance.